Camp More empowers kids and teens who stutter, ages 7-18, to do more and say more through transformative experiences in which they gain more communication, confidence in themselves, and community during camp and beyond.
Camp More aims to provide youth who stutter with a community of others that stutter and/or are “stutter-friendly” in their approach to communication. Camp More naturally encourages campers to talk more openly about their feelings and experiences with stuttering. Camp believes that children learn and benefit from teen models who stutter, that teens benefit from becoming role models for younger children who stutter, and that both groups benefit from diverse adult models who stutter. In addition, we teach budding speech language pathologists that speech “therapy” is much more than fluency and stuttering modification strategies, and we teach our youth that it is okay to stutter. We believe that through the modalities of physical and experiential learning, speech “therapy” can and should be a more embedded and organic approach for youth that stutter. At Camp More, instead of focusing on fluency, we focus on pillars of community, communication, and confidence to empower our campers to do and say more rather than focus on stuttering less. We know Camp More is broadening and building a very strong sense of community not only amongst children and teens that stutter, their families, adults who stutter, but also local businesses and universities that we partner with. We aim for our campers, graduate student clinicians, adults who stutter, and community supporters to serve as future ambassadors for Camp More and a more stutter-friendly world.